
Be active and hike in Ponitre

Zobor a Pyramid

If you don’t know it yet, the hill above the town of Nitra is not really Zobor, but only its foretop, which is called Pyramid. There is an easy trail leading to it and an old military road that will take you to the transmitter. From the medical institute and the bus terminus it takes about 45 minutes upwards. At the top there is a telescope, a public fireplace and a launching area where paragliders used to take off from.

Zobor is in view from the city behind the Pyramid and can be reached from the saddle below Zobor. Along the way you can also see a nature trail that will show you the remains of the old culture. On the way down, stop at the Zobor Monastery, which offers an outdoor exhibition.

There is also an online weather station at the Pyramid where you can check the weather and current conditions.



The hill with the name Žibrica lies between the villages of Štitáre, Žirany and Podhorany. It is also a part of the Zoborské vrchy nature trail, so you can get here also along the ridge from Zobor.

Interestingly, Žibrica offers nice views of the surroundings just below the peak. The peak itself is in a denser forest.

In the direction of Žibrica, do not miss the high swing at the end of the meadow with a magnificent view towards Zobor (GPS coordinates 48.3670773N, 18.1504601E).

The Castle Gýmeš

Jelenec and the Castle Gýmeš

The ruins of the castle of the Forgáč family can be seen on the approach to Nitra. You can reach it from the village of Jelenec, part of Remitáž. There is a small car park on the edge of the forest near a small recreation area.

The quickest way to get to the castle is from Kostoľany pod Tribečom on the yellow trail, then join the green trail from the south side. The whole hike takes about 45 minutes.

More about the Castle Gýmeš

Svorad's Cave

Svorad’s Cave

This is a small cave system named after the hermit Svorad, who lived in a Benedictine hermitage. According to legend, he lived in a cave near the monastery under Zobor, hence the name of this natural monument.
The entrance hall is tiny, just over 6 metres long, with narrow joints continuing on.

On the way to Svorad’s Cave you will also pass by Svorad’s Spring. Depending on the season, you will be able to refresh yourself in it.

More about Svorad’s Cave

Veľký Tribeč (Lysec)

Veľký Tribeč

The highest peak of the mountain range (835 m above sea level), after which it is also named, can be found near the village of Solčany, from where a nature trail leads to its summit.

The easiest way is along the red trail from Kostoliany pod Tribečom. The ascent itself takes about 2 hours with an elevation gain of about 600 metres.

Lookout tower on Marháte

Lookout tower on Marháte

The tourist lookout tower was built by the municipalities of this micro-region in 2008. From its top you can see three regions – Nitra, Trnava and Bratislava. The Marhát hill can be reached from different directions – from Hubina, Bojná, Vozokany, Lipovník or Nitrianska Blatnica along the nature trail. There is also a 5km long cycling trail leading from here.

Both Bojná and Nitrianska Blatnica offer significant archaeological sites.

Extra tip

Via ferrata Zobor

Via ferrata underneath Zobor

Nitra has had a new secured via ferrata since last year. There are two routes – Dubová and Brezová, supplemented by a rope bridge. The all end underneath the Pyramid hill. During the winter months the via ferrata is closed for safety reasons, it will be reopened on 1 June 2023.
If you do not have your own equipment, you can rent it in the ARTin guesthouse, where the Zobor Beautification Association is located.
The Nitra Mountain Association and the Regional Tourism Organisation are behind the construction of this secured path.

More about the Zobor Via Ferrata